Sunday, June 6, 2010

Return Trip

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We headed back north by way of PCH to journey home. It was a much clearer and bright day compared to the thick fog blanketing the coast on the drive south a few days ago. I caught a moment in nature I didn't expect to see. Pretty far out off shore, I could see the playful twisting and turning of an otter, very typical of the California coast. Then there was a seal that surfaced right by the otter. The two seemed to be playing together. They were jovially splashing around together. I apologize for the poor quality of these pictures, they were pretty far out, and my zoom lens extended as much as it could. Not my best quality photography, but a very cool thing to see.

So, today is a two-fer because they are both so difficult to make out. I wish I could better tell the story, but I am exhausted, and my laptop is on 3% battery. So, goodnight.

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